My name is Koen van de Wouw,
it’s pronounced van the W💥W.
I am an Art Director / Dutch designer living in Antwerp. I worked for VICE, KesselsKramer, Happiness Brussels. And freelance for many agencies like TBWA, Boondoggle and Make Lemonade.
I made TV campaigns, directed videos and photoshoots, interactive campaigns, Youtube formats, Instagram exhibitions, designed books, mini-coffins, made my own plates, VJ-shows, and I'm founder/curator at Lastexpo.com.
I worked for a wide variety of clients including, VICE, KBC, Tomorrowland, Ben, Bol.com, Vodafone, Warchild, Toyota, J&B Whiskey, KesselsKramer, Happines Brussels, Boondoggle, ID-T, SNS Bank, Goudengids, Aegon, and ministry of welfare.
I love to run, and surf too.
When you think we should work together, or just wanna say hello, please send me an email.